2TEE community


Free community clubs available to use at every 2TEE site.

Through our partners, we hope to be able to provide every 2TEE licensee with free sets of 'community clubs'. Community clubs are available for ladies, men and juniors to use at no charge. Ensuring everyone has easier access to experience and enjoy golf.

We've cracked the code

For a short game format - enjoy 18 holes in half the time!
  • Attracts new members - all ages
  • Brings time poor lapsed members back
  • Can be used for tournaments, events, themed nights, you name it
  • Is fun, socialble and helps build club and course communities
  • Enables you to play 18 holes in half the time
2TEE community

Golf clubs have been warned to offer more than just 18 holes or continue to lose players.

Golf is in boom but time has never been tighter. More and more people are starting to understand the benefits of playing golf, but as new players join, we are still losing players every year who don’t have the time to enjoy traditional 18 holes of golf.
  • 29% of golfers leave the game as they don’t have the time to play
  • Ladies tend to stop playing golf when they have children
  • Families don’t have the leisure time for 5 hours at the weekend
  • Dress codes and rules have changed, the game is relaxing
  • You don’t need to be a club member to have a handicap
  • Clubs need to attract younger people to the game and fast!
Other sports have evolved, tennis with paddle, football with 5 a-side, cricket with T20, it’s time for golf to evolve too.

We’ve found new ways to attract:

Time Poor


Tired legs


Add 2TEE to your golf club and unlock new audiences, new tee times and new ways for people to enjoy golf.

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